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I like to think that Humanity is what we make it, each and every one of us, with our actions, our beliefs. I like to think that being the best possible human, every single day, not only with the people around us, but also with those beyond our inner circle, is what makes the world a little better. May this year we can make it happen. Best of luck with that, everyone!

Mi piace pensare che l'Umanità sia ciò che noi facciamo, ognuno di noi, con le nostre azioni, le nostre convinzioni. Mi piace pensare che essere la migliore versione di noi stessi, ogni singolo giorno, non solo con le persone intorno a noi, ma anche con coloro che sono al di fuori della nostra cerchia familiare, è ciò che rende il mondo un po' migliore. Mi auguro che quest'anno saremo in grado di farlo accadere. Buona fortuna, tutti quanti!

J'aime penser que l'humanité en est ce que nous faisons, chacun de nous, avec nos actions, nos croyances. J'aime penser qu'être la meilleure version de soi-même, chaque jour, non seulement avec les gens qui nous entourent, mais aussi avec ceux qui ne font pas partie de notre entourage, est ce qui rend le monde un peu meilleur. Puisse cette année nous pourrons en faire une réalité. Mes meilleurs voeux à tous.

Me gusta pensar que la Humanidad es lo que hacemos de ella, todos y cada uno de nosotros, con nuestras acciones, nuestras creencias. Me gusta pensar que ser la mejor versión de uno mismo, cada día, no solo con la gente que nos rodea, sino también con los que están fuera de nuestro círculo íntimo, es lo que hace que el mundo sea un poquito mejor. Que este año seamos capaces de hacerlo realidad. Mis mejores deseos para todos.

Undistinct image of people together

How to delete EXIF data from your photos with Exiv2

Logo Exiv2
Quick note: I needed to delete all EXIF data from some photos. After a very basic research, I found an easy and powerful tool: exiv2.

How to install (Linux Mint - Debian package):
sudo apt-get install exiv2

How to delete EXIF data from all JPG files in current directory:
exiv2 rm *.JPG

Again, pretty simple. But quick and effective.

More info at


Adding signed SSL certificate to your home cloud server (Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Wheezy)

I needed to add a "real" (not self-signed) SSL certificate to my Raspberry home server. I'm still using Raspbian Wheezy, which means that the default procedure to run the "certbot auto" script from Let's Encrypt cannot be used.

I found all the information in this page. I am sharing it, as a quick note for me, and also to share with you, if you have the exact same issue... :-)

Thanks to Elvis Angelaccio, author of the page, for doing all the work for us. Grazie mille!

Por si acaso...

Pues será por la distancia o por la creencia
de que el lugar donde uno nace o donde uno vive
es solamente una circunstancia más de nuestras vidas,
y que hay que saber hablar cuantas más lenguas mejor,
para ser capaz de entender otras culturas.

Pero yo no siento asco, ni rabia, ni odio.

Ni ganas de culpar a nadie, más allá
de los que todos sabemos que tienen la culpa.
Sean de donde sean. Tengan el color que tengan.

Porque, como ya sabemos,
los políticos tienen los ciudadanos que se merecen.
¿O era al revés?

Solamente siento una enorme tristeza.
Y una profunda vergüenza.

Me había prometido no decir una palabra.
Por eso, no voy a discutir con nadie.
Para no estar más triste o más avergonzado,
además, perdiendo amistades.

Blog migration

Well... Sometimes you procrastinate to migrate your blog because you think you do not have the time to do it so somebody decides to do it for you.

For some reason, our hosting provider decided to move all our files to a new server / location, causing everything to break down.

Now this blog is being migrated to an updated version and a new folder (it was impossible to make it work in the old one). All comments are gone, entries have no categories, my sidebar links are gone... A lot of work ahead to make this thing look like it did before.

So please update your bookmarks to follow us from to

Thank you for your patience.

Copying a file multiple times on the same folder using bash command line in linux

After a while with no new entries I am using this blog again as a personal notebook of useful tricks or code snippets I need to use from time to time.

In this case, I need to test a new 4Tb hard disk drive that I have just received making use of the disk's warranty because the original one was damaged (it overheated when making a large backup, which is exactly the use you are supposed to be giving a 4Tb hard disk drive...).

I learned about the problems in the original disk the hard way: just in the middle of the backup, it got stuck. No way to remove data, no way to restore it to factory default settings... with all your personal information into it.

So this time I am testing the disk to the maximum capacity by copying a file on the same folder a number of times. This is how I am doing it.

Continue reading "Copying a file multiple times on the same folder using bash command line in linux"

Can I have two servers behind my home router with noip? Spoiler alert: YES

I have had to share my personal cloud with another server behind the same home router. The problem with that is... Can I have two servers behind the same IP and still work with both, each one having it's own apps up and running on the same port numbers?

Well, perhaps there are easier solutions, but the one that worked for me was to create forwarding rules in the router, assigning new ports that redirect the outside traffic to the right port in the internal machine.

Doing so, I only had to change the clients' addresses adding the new external ports to the URL. My goal is to reach my Owncloud service, separated in both machines.

Continue reading "Can I have two servers behind my home router with noip? Spoiler alert: YES"

Documenting EeePCs S.O. upgrade to dual boot system with Linux Mint 12 (Gnome / MATE) without partitioning HD


  • Introduction

  • Motivation

  • Technical procedures description

  • Step by step description of system install and cloning of the units

  • Procedures to be repeated in all units for basic dual boot setup

  • Procedures to be used only in the master unit for imaging purposes

  • Procedures to clone the virtual disks in the different units

  • Basic performance tests carried out so far

  • Instructional use of the units under the new configuration

  • Intended instructional use of the units after testing period

  • Problems found and solutions adopted

  • How to undo the whole process in the units

  • Links used to download the software

  • Useful information links

  • Hardware description
Continue reading "Documenting EeePCs S.O. upgrade to dual boot system with Linux Mint 12 (Gnome / MATE) without partitioning HD"